Player Character: Grant Heckler
What is this character’s job or role?
- Master art thief for a crime Syndicate.
What is the back story for the character? (You’re not writing a novel here, but you do need at least two paragraphs of text.)
– Heckler was in an orphanage until the age of 6 when he ran away and lived on the streets. At that time he met the Old Man, who took him under his protection and began to teach him a trade in exchange for having Grant in essence be his valet. In later years Grant became a full partner in the Old Man’s enterprise, and began working for the Syndicate.
What is the behavior or mannerism of this character? Why? (How does the character act? Do they have any special or unique mannerisms? What does this help convey about the character? How does this relate to what we know about them already?)
– Quiet, collected and methodical. The whole point of Grant’s character is that he is unnervingly calm until the point where he snaps, and his rage surprises everyone in the game (and the player).
What is the importance of the character? (How or why is this character important in the game?)
– He is the anti-hero and the protagonist.
What is the "play" of the character? (How do they play or act inside the game? What are their skills or abilities? A massive brute that poses a physical threat? Or a cunning planner who uses their wits to overcome? Other options or variants? How does this relate to what we know about them already?)
– Grant is mainly playable as a stealth character. This feel drives the game, as he is capable of fighting, but chooses not too unless strictly necessary. The player will have a feeling of always having to hold back instead of giving in to impulse (until the right moments).
What is the appearance of the character? (Give a brief written description and accompany this with reference images or concept artwork where available.)
– Grant is asian/american, tall and slim.
What is the intended view for this character? What considerations have been made in regards to the character’s appearance from this view? (Looking for more than "We made his back/ arms look cooler!") – 1st person/3rd person. Like Deus Ex, the gameplay will determine what viewpoint the character is seen from.
What is the longevity of this character? Will people want to play him or play against him? Why or why not? – Players will want to play as him because it gives them the chance to play an anti-hero they feel has been wronged.
What is the character’s name? (Does he even have a name? What does this character’s name say about him or the game?)
– Grant Heckler.
Player Character: The Old Man
What is this character’s job or role?
– Grant Heckler’s mentor; Master Thief.
What is the back story for the character? (You’re not writing a novel here, but you do need at least two paragraphs of text.)
– The Old Man was a thief in old world europe until he quit the game and came to America. While trying to live a quiet life here he was approached and coerced into working for the Syndicate. He has continued to do so for the past 20 years despite his attempts at extricating himself from their hold over him.
What is the behavior or mannerism of this character? Why? (How does the character act? Do they have any special or unique mannerisms? What does this help convey about the character? How does this relate to what we know about them already?)
– He hides his cunning and intelligence under the mask of an old, clutsy man. Until he lets down his guard, he appears to be nothing more. But when that guard comes down, it is clear just from his eyes that he is not a man to be trifled with.
What is the importance of the character? (How or why is this character important in the game?)
– He is the main antagonist, and Grant’s mentor and frame of reference for who he is as a person.
What is the "play" of the character? (How do they play or act inside the game? What are their skills or abilities? A massive brute that poses a physical threat? Or a cunning planner who uses their wits to overcome? Other options or variants? How does this relate to what we know about them already?)
– Masked physical aggression overlaid with quick wit and cunning.
What is the appearance of the character? (Give a brief written description and accompany this with reference images or concept artwork where available.)
– He appears exactly as his moniker suggests, but in a sort of played-up way. Almost like he is too close to the stereotype that you wonder if it’s all an act.
What is the intended view for this character? What considerations have been made in regards to the character’s appearance from this view? (Looking for more than "We made his back/ arms look cooler!")
– Since he is not a playable character he will be seen from Grant’s perspective.
What is the longevity of this character? Will people want to play him or play against him?Why or why not?
– Players will want to interact with him because he is in a sense the old wise man, the seer. He has so much experience to share that he is integral to the progress of the game.
What is the character’s name? (Does he even have a name? What does this character’s name say about him or the game?)
– The Old Man (real name unknown).
(For reference images see document in classfolders week 6).
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